I really love the new duet with Fiona Apple “All in Good Time.” I haven’t heard the rest but Sam hasn’t done anything I haven’t liked.

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Yeah, I don't think Ive ever heard a "bad" Iron & Wine song. They're either excellent or pleasantly forgettable.

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Well, that Iron and Wine record is bloody lovely stuff.

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Yup. The strings are genuinely stirring.

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Hey check out the song Neon River by Pond. Im diggin’ it

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Update: I also dig this, but I wish it was separated into two different songs. I don't mind radical shifts in tone, but I don't feel like these two parts compliment each other (if that makes sense). But a whole song like that chorus? Hell yeah. Will definitely check out the full album. Thanks again for the rec!

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I definitely will! I dug their first album but lost track for whatever reason.

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All I can say here is, Go Cavs!!

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I'll allow it.

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Voting for The Blowholes twice don't you dare fix it!

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Man, vote rigging. MAGA was right!

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I backed Spinal Tap, Dr. Teeth and The Powerpuff Girls. Hope it works out.

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Never underestimate the power of prayer.

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