Loving the newsletter. Tried out SOAK, and love them. Try music by Goose, if you haven’t already covered them.

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I think I listened to one Goose song, but I will investigate further! Thanks.

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Christian Finnegan

“Borne.” On their new album. https://music.apple.com/us/album/borne/1607520847?i=1607520861

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Paisely Park is my happy place. I have not forgiven Prince for dying. I always feel like he made so many missteps later in his career. His forays into Jazz and Rap both give me Michael Jordan playing minor leage baseball vibes. And more than a few iterations of his lineup sounded like the world's greatest Sunday morning praise band. I know I should go back and revisit those triple albums, but it does feel like a chore. I'd rather search for a diamond in a sea of shit than a Lucky Charm in a sea of Alphabits.

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Not to pile on to the awkwardness of Christian's Harborcoat story, but we had the pleasure of interviewing founding member Matt Carlson about "Joy is Elusive" earlier this year. If anyone is interested, you can check it out here: https://popsonhopspod.com/episode-guide/f/bonus-friends-are-inclusive-harborcoat-bells-brewery?blogcategory=Artist+Interview. If not, let's not make it more awkward...

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Awkwardness for everybody!

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Two notes on this week's newsletter:

1) I highly recommend (and think you might dig) the new Horsegirl album, "Versions of Modern Performance" (https://open.spotify.com/artist/2FDvUb4YgyUPpmnm1ILPra/discography/all?pageUri=spotify:album:435br4I9UOHTrQI5qbxVbI) ... it's like Veronica Falls meets Sonic Youth, highly 90s, very for olds.

2) A few months ago I did a dive through the lesser appreciated Prince albums (basically anything post Symbol Album) and created a playlist of solid jamzzz, of which there are plenty b/c come on, it's Prince. (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7IP61MpPFn0iuG6AFKvB0O?si=8b5023240197471a)

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1) Heard it and liked it, but hasn't totally "grabbed" me

2) Nice. After making my list, I went back and listened to Musicology, an album I ignored because of the title track (I can't stand "remember when music was good??" songs, other than "Sir Duke".) I was pleasantly surprised!

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Jun 15, 2022Liked by Christian Finnegan

Definitely a grower, I listened to it 4 times before it clicked. Those always turn out to be my favorites, but who the fuck has the time?

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This week's take: the artwork for "Wildheart" is tremendously weird, but that album turned me into a full-time Miguel fan. It's the closest anyone's come to "Dirty Mind" IMHO since "Dirty Mind" itself. And as a (not so closet) perv, that is high praise.

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I agree on the horniness front. And it sounds great. I'm just not 100% sold on the songwriting.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by Christian Finnegan

Definitely not as good (descriptive?) as the songwriting on "Dirty Mind". But comparing anything to Prince at his peak is probably gonna have a losing result.

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