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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Christian Finnegan

Clapton who?

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Mar 7, 2022Liked by Christian Finnegan

Clapton Skynyrd

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Pretty sure I heard about that guy in a Ken Burns doc.

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The music industry has reversed it to make music seem like a thing for 20-year-olds. But 100+ years ago, music was an adult interest and it took more effort to hear music. You had to go to music halls, county fairs, and maybe get-togethers to hear music and the songs were about things adults could relate to.

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Blame the Beatles!

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Nice to be here. Pete Dominick sent me. Indirectly. I reserve the right to vehemently disagree with your musical choices.

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Thanks for being here! Lord knows I love a good music debate, but I'm going to try to avoid them here. I feel like competitive geekery (of which I am frequently guilty) can turn well-adjusted people off to music content. So I'm going to try to abide by a simple mantra: "Here's something I like--maybe you'll like it too!"

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Has anyone here heard the new album by The Last Dinner Party? They're an all-girl group from the UK that sounds like a mix of Kate Bush, Siouxie & The Banshees, Florence & The Machine, Annie Lennox, Abba and Sparks. I've been keeping their new album on HEAVY rotation for the past month and I just can't stop listening to it. If you're into theatrical girl rock groups with an 80's UK sound, I HIGHLY recommend you check them out!

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Thanks for carrying the load! I have way too many go tos, but I’m music obsessed! Time to derail the obsessions! Looking forward to more!

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Thrilled to have you aboard!

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deletedJan 21
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You said it, man. I'm trying my best not to waste time sighing wistfully about how things "used to be". I fall into that trap now and again, but I'd genuinely rather spend that time listening to new music. Thanks for being here!

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